Appendix B Implemented Bindings

Bindings for the following classes and packages are supplied with the distribution:


IEEEtran, JHEP, JHEP2, JHEP3, OmniBus, PoS, a0poster, aa, aastex, acmart, aipproc, ams_core, amsart, amsbook, amsproc, article, beamer, book, elsart, elsarticle, emulateapj, gen-j-l, gen-m-l, gen-p-l, ieeeconf, iopart, llncs, minimal, mn, mn2e, mnras, moderncv, quantumarticle, report, revtex, revtex4, revtex4-1, slides, standalone, subfiles, svjour, svjour3, svmult


SIunits, a0size, a4, a4wide, aa_support, aas_macros, aas_support, aasms, aaspp, aastex, accents, acronym, actuarialangle, adjustbox, ae, aecompl, afterpage, aipproc, algc, algcompatible, algmatlab, algorithm, algorithm2e, algorithmic, algorithmicx, algpascal, algpseudocode, alltt, ams_support, amsaddr, amsbsy, amscd, amsfonts, amsgen, amsmath, amsopn, amsppt, amsrefs, amssymb, amstex, amstext, amsthm, amsxtra, apjfonts, appendix, array, attachfile, atveryend, authblk, auxhook, avant, babel, babel_support, balance, bbding, bbm, bbold, beton, bezier, bibunits, bigintcalc, bitset, blindtext, bm, bookman, bookmark, booktabs, boxedminipage, braket, breakurl, calc, calrsfs, cancel, caption, cases, ccfonts, chancery, chapterbib, charter, chngcntr, circuitikz, cite, citesort, cleveref, cmap, cmbright, color, colordvi, colortbl, comment, concmath, courier, crop, cropmark, csquotes, dcolumn, deluxetable, diagbox, doi, doublespace, dsfont, ed, ellipsis, elsart, elsart_support, elsart_support_core, empheq, emulateapj, emulateapj5, endnotes, english, enumerate, enumitem, epigraph, epsf, epsfig, epstopdf, esint, espcrc, etex, etoolbox, eucal, eufrak, euler, eulervm, eurosym, euscript, expl3, exscale, fancybox, fancyhdr, fancyheadings, fancyvrb, feynmf, filehook, fix-cm, fixltx2e, fixme, flafter, fleqn, float, floatfig, floatflt, floatpag, flowchart, flushend, fontenc, fontspec, footmisc, footnote, fourier, framed, fullpage, gensymb, geometry, german, gettitlestring, glossaries, graphics, graphicx, grffile, helvet, hepunits, here, hhline, html, hypcap, hyperref, hyperxmp, icml, icml_support, ifdraft, ifetex, ifluatex, ifpdf, ifplatform, ifsym, iftex, ifthen, ifvtex, ifxetex, ijcai, import, indentfirst, infwarerr, inputenc, inst_support, intcalc, iopams, iopart_support, jheppub, keyval, kvdefinekeys, kvoptions, kvsetkeys, l3keys2e, lastpage, latexml, latexsym, lineno, lipsum, listings, listingsutf8, lmodern, longtable, lscape, ltxcmds, luximono, lxRDFa, makecell, makeidx, marginnote, marvosym, mathabx, mathbbol, mathdots, mathpazo, mathpple, mathptm, mathptmx, mathrsfs, mathtools, microtype, mleftright, mn2e_support, multicol, multido, multirow, nameref, natbib, neurips, newcent, newfloat, newlfont, newtxmath, newtxtext, ngerman, nicefrac, nomencl, nopageno, ntheorem, numprint, overpic, palatino, paralist, parskip, pdflscape, pdfpages, pdfsync, pdftexcmds, pgf, pgfplots, pgfplotstable, physics, pifont, placeins, prettyref, preview, proof, proofwiki, psfig, psfrag, pslatex, pspicture, pst-grad, pst-node, pstricks, pxfonts, ragged2e, refcount, relsize, remreset, revsymb, revtex, revtex3_support, revtex4, revtex4_support, rotate, rotating, rsfs, scalefnt, sectsty, setspace, showkeys, sidecap, siunitx, slashbox, slashed, soul, srcltx, standalone, stfloats, stmaryrd, subcaption, subeqn, subeqnarray, subfig, subfigure, subfiles, subfloat, supertabular, sv_support, svg, t1enc, tablefootnote, tabularx, tabulary, tcolorbox, textcase, textcomp, texvc, theorem, thm-restate, thmtools, threeparttable, tikz, tikz-3dplot, tikz-cd, tikzbricks, times, titlesec, titling, tocbibind, todonotes, tracefnt, transparent, turing, twoopt, txfonts, type1cm, ulem, underscore, undertilde, units, upgreek, upquote, upref, url, utopia, varioref, varwidth, verbatim, vmargin, wasysym, wiki, wrapfig, xargs, xcolor, xfrac, xkeyval, xkvview, xparse, xspace, xunicode, xurl, xy, xypic, yfonts