Newman ---------------------- This package contains a parallel implementation (using the LAM implementation of the MPI specification) of Newman's algorithm for the exact solution of linear systems of equations over the integers. Installation ---------------------- Since the code deals with large integers, we use the gmp (GNU MP) library for arbitrary precision arithmetic. The code has been tested with libgmp version 2.0.2. Since this is a parallel program, we also require an implementation of the MPI specification. The scripts provided to generate runtime data and run automated tests assume that the user is using the LAM package (this has been tested with LAM 6.5.8), although in theory, any implementation of the MPI specification should work. The user may download these two packages at the following URLs: libgmp: lam: Once these have been installed, the package should be decompressed by running gzip -cd newman.tar.gz | tar -xf - Compilation is then accomplished by running make in the created directory ./newman/ Running ---------------------- The scripts/ directory contains a number of scripts which make running and testing the code simple. A description of the files contained in this directory and their purposes follows: FILE DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- analyze Intermediary script for the collection of runtime data. average Intermediary script for the collection of runtime data. generate_data Intermediary script for the collection of runtime data. Runs the code on automatically generated matrices of specified sizes. hankel Produces hankel matrices. ones Produces matrices with entries -/+ 1. pascal Produces pascal matrices. random Produces random matrices. run Runs the code on an input file run_experiment Begins the collection of runtime data. Generates a set of files toeplitz Produces toeplitz matrices. In order to run the code, the MPI environment must first be initialized. See the specific implementation documentation for detailed instructions. In the case of LAM, documentation is available in the lamboot(1) manual page. The ``run'' script described above may then be used to run the code on an input file ``'' in the directory in which the package was decompressed. (The user should be in this directory and execute ``scripts/run'' from the command line). A sample of the automated tests may be run by initializing the MPI environment and running scripts/run_experiment pascal '10 15 20 25 30' This creates a directory test containing the results of timing the execution of the code solving the pascal matrices of sizes 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 for 10 trials. The data is then extracted and averaged to produce a file test/ containing the average times for each problem size, as well as the number of singular subproblems encountered. Input File ---------------------- The input file is formatted as follows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . where denotes the (i,j)th element of the matrix and denotes the ith element of the right hand side vector. A sample input describing the problem ( 1 0 0 )(x_1) (1) ( 0 1 0 )(x_2) = (2) ( 0 0 1 )(x_3) (3) would then look like: ---------- 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 ---------- Output Format ---------------------- The output consists of a single integer followed by an integer vector of size n. The solution vector may be obtained by dividing each element of the integer vector by the first integer. Algorithm ---------------------- The algorithm is a straightforward parallelization of the algorithm described in Newman, M. Solving Equations Exactly. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards Sect. B 71B 1967 171--179. Newman established the following result: (Newman) Let $d=det(A)$, $y=A^{adj}b$. Suppose $m \in Z$ satisfies $(m,d)=1$ and $m>2\max(|d|,M(y))$, where $M(y)$ denotes the maximum element of $y$. Then any $d_m, y_m$ satisfying \[ d\equiv d_m \pmod{m} \] \[ Ay_m\equiv db \pmod{m} \] and $|d_m|<\frac{m}{2}, M(y_m)<\frac{m}{2}$ must equal $d,y$. Newman's insight was to apply the Chinese Remainder Theorem to this problem, so that we choose a set of primes such that their product is equal to the m in the theorem. We then may solve each of these problems *independently* in O(n^3) time using a variant of Gaussian elimination modified to work in the integers modulo a prime. It is this Independence of the subproblems that makes our parallel implementation feasible. Future research lies in the establishment of an appropriate condition number for this method (similar to the ratio of largest to smallest eigenvalues for the numerical stability of Gaussian elimination), as well as investigating the possibility of more efficient computation through the use of relatively prime factors (since the Chinese Remainder Theorem only requires that the moduluses be relatively prime).