
OP-SF NET is the electronic newsletter of the SIAM Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions (SIAG/OPSF). About six times a year contributions on anything of interest to the special functions and orthogonal polynomials community are disseminated. This includes announcements of conferences, forthcoming books, new software, electronic archives, research questions, and job openings as well as news and new appointments, promotions, research visitors, awards and prizes. The current editors are Howard Cohl and Sarah Post.

Recent issues

The most recent issues are 32.2 and 32.1. OP-SF NET is transmitted through a post to OP-SF Talk, a listserv currently managed and moderated by Howard Cohl howard.cohl@nist.gov . Anyone wishing to be included on the mailing list (SIAG/OPSF members and non-members alike) should send him an email. Bonita Saunders also posts the OP-SF NET newsletter to all SIAG/OPSF members through SIAM's online member community, SIAM Engage.

Back issues

You can obtain back issues of OP-SF Net from Tom Koornwinder's Archive.

How to send contributions

Send contributions for OP-SF NET by email to the editors howard.cohl@nist.gov or spost@hawaii.edu.

Webmaster: Bonita Saunders
e-mail: bonita.saunders@nist.gov

Revised March 26, 2025