# This file holds the mif file entries recognized by the problem editor. # The problem editor will print entries based on the order of this file. # For the problem editor to pass entries in a mif file to the solver they # must be added here. # The number after the colon is the maximum number of entries allowed in # the list used to hold the value of the mif field. # If mmpe is not going to edit this entry it can be set to 1. user comment: 1 material name: 1 ms: 1 a: 1 k1: 1 do precess: 1 gyratio: 1 damp coef: 1 anisotropy type: 1 anisotropy init: 1 anisotropy dir1: 3 anisotropy dir2: 3 demag type: 1 part height: 1 part width: 1 base material type:1 part thickness: 1 part shape: 2 cell size: 1 init mag: 3 base output filename: 1 magnetization output format:1 total field output format:1 data table output format:1 log level: 1 randomizer seed: 1 user interaction level: 1 initial increment: 1 user report code: 1 converge mxh value:1 randomizer seed:1 random perturb mag:1 max iteration count: 1 min time step: 1 max time step: 1 field type:999 #add new data types for mif to pass to solver ABOVE this line field range count: 1 # Initial field + final field + numStep = 7... #field range: 7 # ...but with control point specs, we can have more parameters. # A limit of 30 should be enough. field range: 30