OOMMF OOMMF avf2ppm Plot Configuration

Here is a sample avf2ppm plot configuration file that was used to generate the bitmap images used in the µMAG Standard Problem 4 divergence movies.
# FILE: avf2ppm.def                 -*-Mode: tcl-*-
# Default setup for avftoppm.  This file must be valid Tcl code

# This file should only be sourced from within another Tcl application.
# Check to make sure we aren't at the top application level
if {[string match [info script] $argv0]} {
    error "'[info script]' must be evaluated by an mmdisp-style application"

# Default plot configuration array
array set plot_config {
    colormaps  { Red-Black-Blue Blue-White-Red Teal-White-Red \
            Black-Gray-White White-Green-Black Red-Green-Blue-Red }
    arrow,status       1
    arrow,colormap     Black-Gray-White
    arrow,colorcount   0
    arrow,quantity     z
    arrow,autosample   0
    arrow,subsample    5
    arrow,mag          1.25
    arrow,antialias    1
    pixel,status       1
    pixel,colormap     Blue-White-Red
    pixel,colorcount   225
    pixel,quantity     div
    pixel,autosample   0
    pixel,subsample    0
    pixel,mag          1
    misc,background    white
    misc,drawboundary  1
    misc,margin        10
    misc,width         640
    misc,height        192
    misc,crop          0
    misc,zoom          0
    misc,rotation      270
    misc,datascale     100000
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