# FILE: config.tcl # Oc_Class Oc_Config { common configDir common namesDir common cacheDir # The Oc_Config instance chosen which represents the platform on which # this program is running common runPlatform common predefinedEnvVars ClassConstructor { set configDir [file join [file dirname [file dirname [file dirname \ [Oc_DirectPathname [info script]]]]] config] set namesDir [file join $configDir names] set cacheDir [file join $configDir cache] foreach fn [glob -nocomplain [file join $namesDir *.tcl]] { if {[file readable $fn]} { if {[catch {uplevel #0 [list source $fn]} msg]} { Oc_Log Log "Error (1) sourcing $fn:\n\t$msg" warning $class } } } set detected {} foreach i [$class Instances] { if {[$i Detect]} { lappend detected $i } } # The default case here should be to provide for user selection # of the correct configuration name. For now, just die. switch -exact -- [llength $detected] { 0 {set runPlatform [$class New _ unknown {return 1}]} 1 {set runPlatform [lindex $detected 0]} default { set msg "Multiple platform names are compatible with your\ computer:" foreach c $detected { append msg \n\t[$c GetValue platform_name] } append msg "\nYou must edit the files in $namesDir .\n" append msg "See the `Advanced Installation' section of the\n" append msg "OOMMF User's Manual for instructions." error $msg $msg } } global env set predefinedEnvVars [array names env OOMMF_*] $runPlatform RecordTclTkConfiguration $runPlatform LoadCache # If Tcl and Tk were installed under different --prefix directories # the OOMMF applications will need help to find the Tk script library if {![info exists env(TK_LIBRARY)] && ![catch {$this GetValue TCL_PREFIX} tcp] && ![catch {$this GetValue TK_PREFIX} tkp] && [string compare $tcp $tkp]} { set env(TK_LIBRARY) [file join $tkp lib tk[$class TkVersion]] } } proc TkVersion {} { set ret [package provide Tk] if {[string length $ret]} { return $ret } set ret [package provide Tcl] if {[package vcompare $ret 8] >= 0} { return $ret } expr {$ret - 3.4} } proc Lookup {name} { foreach i [$class Instances] { if {[string match $name [$i GetValue platform_name]]} { return $i } } return -code error "Unknown configuration name: $name" } proc RunPlatform {} {runPlatform} { return $runPlatform } private variable name private variable detectScript private array variable values Constructor {_name _detectScript} { set name $_name if {![info complete $_detectScript]} { return -code error "detectScript must be a complete Tcl script" } set detectScript $_detectScript $this SetValue platform_name $name } method SetValue {feature value} { set values($feature) $value } method Features {glob} { return [array names values $glob] } method GetValue {feature} { # Do we already have a value? if {[info exists values($feature)]} { return $values($feature) } set msg "Unknown feature '$feature' in configuration '$name'\n\t" global env tcl_platform if {[string match TCL_* $feature]} { if {[info exists env(OOMMF_TCL_CONFIG)]} { append msg "Something may be wrong with the Tcl configuration\ file:\n\t\t$env(OOMMF_TCL_CONFIG)" } else { if {![string match windows $tcl_platform(platform)]} { append msg "No Tcl configuration file found\ (tclConfig.sh)\n\tSet the environment variable\ OOMMF_TCL_CONFIG to its absolute location." } else { append msg "Have you edited [file join $cacheDir \ $name.tcl] ?" } } } elseif {[string match TK_* $feature]} { if {[info exists env(OOMMF_TK_CONFIG)]} { append msg "Something may be wrong with the Tk configuration\ file:\n\t\t$env(OOMMF_TK_CONFIG)" } else { if {![string match windows $tcl_platform(platform)]} { append msg "No Tk configuration file found\ (tkConfig.sh)\n\tSet the environment variable\ OOMMF_TK_CONFIG to its absolute location." } else { append msg "Have you edited [file join $cacheDir \ $name.tcl] ?" } } } else { append msg "Have you edited [file join $cacheDir $name.tcl] ?" } return -code error $msg } method Tclsh {} { global env if {[info exists env(OOMMF_TCLSH)]} { return $env(OOMMF_TCLSH) } if {![catch {$this GetValue TCL_EXEC_PREFIX} epfx]} { set v [$this GetValue TCL_VERSION] lappend sl [file join $epfx bin tclsh$v] lappend sl [file join $epfx bin tclsh[join [split $v .] ""]] eval lappend sl [glob -nocomplain [file join $epfx bin *tclsh$v*]] eval lappend sl [glob -nocomplain [file join $epfx bin \ *tclsh[join [split $v .] ""]*]] foreach s $sl { set s [auto_execok $s] if {[llength $s]} { set env(OOMMF_TCLSH) [lindex $s 0] return $env(OOMMF_TCLSH) } } } if {[regexp -nocase tclsh [file tail [info nameofexecutable]]]} { set env(OOMMF_TCLSH) [info nameofexecutable] return $env(OOMMF_TCLSH) } return -code error "Can't find a tclsh shell program" } method Wish {} { global env if {[info exists env(OOMMF_WISH)]} { return $env(OOMMF_WISH) } if {![catch {$this GetValue TK_EXEC_PREFIX} epfx]} { set v [$this GetValue TK_VERSION] lappend sl [file join $epfx bin wish$v] lappend sl [file join $epfx bin wish[join [split $v .] ""]] eval lappend sl [glob -nocomplain [file join $epfx bin *wish$v*]] eval lappend sl [glob -nocomplain [file join $epfx bin \ *wish[join [split $v .] ""]*]] foreach s $sl { set s [auto_execok $s] if {[llength $s]} { set env(OOMMF_WISH) [lindex $s 0] return $env(OOMMF_WISH) } } } if {[regexp -nocase wish [file tail [info nameofexecutable]]]} { set env(OOMMF_WISH) [info nameofexecutable] return $env(OOMMF_WISH) } if {[regexp -nocase tclsh [file tail [info nameofexecutable]]]} { set p [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]] set v [file tail [info nameofexecutable]] regsub -nocase tclsh $v wish v set s [file join $p $v] set s [auto_execok $s] if {[llength $s]} { set env(OOMMF_WISH) [lindex $s 0] return $env(OOMMF_WISH) } } return -code error "Can't find a wish shell program" } method Summary {} { global tcl_platform set ret "Platform Name:\t\t$name\n" append ret "Tcl name for OS:\t" append ret "$tcl_platform(os) $tcl_platform(osVersion)\n" append ret "C++ compiler:\t\t" if {![catch {$this GetValue program_compiler_c++} c]} { foreach wd [auto_execok [lindex $c 0]] { append ret "$wd " } append ret \n } else { append ret "none selected\n" } global env if {[info exists env(OOMMF_TCL_CONFIG)]} { append ret "Tcl configuration file:\t$env(OOMMF_TCL_CONFIG)\n" } elseif {[string match windows $tcl_platform(platform)]} { append ret "Tcl configuration file:\tnot required on Windows\n" } else { append ret "Tcl configuration file:\tnone found\n" } catch {$this Tclsh} tclsh append ret "tclsh:\t\t\t$tclsh\n" append ret "Tcl release:\t\t" if {![catch {$this GetValue TCL_VERSION} v]} { if {![catch {$this GetValue TCL_PATCH_LEVEL} pl]} { append ret $v$pl } else { append ret $v } } else { append ret unknown } append ret " (config)\t[info patchlevel] (running)\n" if {[info exists env(OOMMF_TK_CONFIG)]} { append ret "Tk configuration file:\t$env(OOMMF_TK_CONFIG)\n" } elseif {[string match windows $tcl_platform(platform)]} { append ret "Tk configuration file:\tnot required on Windows\n" } else { append ret "Tk configuration file:\tnone found\n" } catch {$this Wish} wish append ret "wish:\t\t\t$wish\n" append ret "Tk release:\t\t" if {![catch {$this GetValue TK_VERSION} v]} { if {![catch {$this GetValue TK_PATCH_LEVEL} pl]} { append ret $v$pl } else { append ret $v } } else { append ret unknown } append ret " (config)\t" if {[string length [package provide Tk]]} { global tk_patchLevel append ret $tk_patchLevel } else { regsub {^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+} [info patchlevel] {} pl append ret [$class TkVersion]$pl } append ret " (running)" if {[llength $predefinedEnvVars]} { append ret "\nRelevant environment variables:" foreach e $predefinedEnvVars { append ret "\n\t$e = $env($e)" } } if {[info exists tcl_platform(threaded)]} { append ret "\nWARNING: Your installation of Tcl appears to be\ thread-enabled.\nOOMMF does not support thread-enabled\ Tcl. If you have trouble with\nOOMMF, try installing\ non-thread-enabled Tcl." } if {![catch {$this GetValue TK_DEFS} defs]} { if {[string match *TCL_THREADS=1* $defs]} { append ret "\nWARNING: Your installation of Tk appears to be\ thread-enabled.\nMany X servers do not work properly\ with a thread-enabled Tk.\nAs a result, OOMMF software\ may not work properly. If you have\ntrouble with\ OOMMF, try installing non-thread-enabled Tk." } } if {![info exists env(OOMMF_TCL_INCLUDE_DIR)]} { append ret "\nWARNING: Your installation of Tcl appears\ to be missing the header\nfile . Perhaps you\ need to re-install Tcl, requesting a full\ninstallation\ this time, or install the developers package for\ Tcl?\nIf you are sure a Tcl header file is installed on\ your system, then\nset the environment variable\ OOMMF_TCL_INCLUDE_DIR to the directory\nthat contains\ the Tcl header file." } if {![info exists env(OOMMF_TK_INCLUDE_DIR)]} { append ret "\nWARNING: Your installation of Tk appears\ to be missing the header\nfile . Perhaps you\ need to re-install Tk, requesting a full\ninstallation\ this time, or install the developers package for\ Tk?\nIf you are sure a Tk header file is installed on\ your system, then\nset the environment variable\ OOMMF_TK_INCLUDE_DIR to the directory\nthat contains\ the Tk header file." } set code [catch {socket -server Oc_Nop 0} s] catch {close $s} if {$code} { append ret "\nWARNING: It appears that your computer does\ not have networking software enabled to support\ Internet (TCP/IP) communications. Your computer\ does not have to be connected to the Internet to\ run OOMMF, but it does need basic networking\ capabilities installed." } if {[string match *WARNING* $ret]} { append ret "\n\nPlease see the Installation section of the\ OOMMF User's Guide\nfor more information." } return $ret } private method Detect {} {detectScript} { eval $detectScript } private method RecordStandardWindowsTclTkConfiguration {root} { # Note that a "standard" Tcl/Tk configuration on Windows # is one where TCL_PREFIX, TK_PREFIX, TCL_EXEC_PREFIX, # and TK_EXEC_PREFIX are all the same directory, $root. # # There are reportedly other variations of installation on # Windows (TclPro?), but the best answer to bug report # concerning them is probably to advise use of something # like ActiveTcl that follows the "standard". # # Turn "Program Files" into Progra~1 -- This is technically # invalid, but no bug reports on it yet. set pathlist [list] foreach p [file split $root] { if {[regexp " " $p]} { lappend pathlist [string range $p 0 5]~1 } else { lappend pathlist $p } } set root [eval file join $pathlist] $this SetValue TCL_EXEC_PREFIX $root $this SetValue TCL_PREFIX $root $this SetValue TK_EXEC_PREFIX $root $this SetValue TK_PREFIX $root $this SetValue TK_XINCLUDES [file join $root include X11] foreach {tlma tlmi} [split [package provide Tcl] .] {break} foreach {tkma tkmi} [split [$class TkVersion] .] {break} $this SetValue TCL_VERSION [package provide Tcl] $this SetValue TCL_MAJOR_VERSION $tlma $this SetValue TCL_MINOR_VERSION $tlmi regsub {^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+} [info patchlevel] {} pl $this SetValue TCL_PATCH_LEVEL $pl $this SetValue TK_VERSION [$class TkVersion] $this SetValue TK_MAJOR_VERSION $tkma $this SetValue TK_MINOR_VERSION $tkmi if {[string length [package provide Tk]]} { global tk_patchLevel regsub {^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+} $tk_patchLevel {} pl } $this SetValue TK_PATCH_LEVEL $pl if {[regexp {^8\.0([.p]([0-9]+))?$} [info patchlevel] m mm patch] && ($patch < 4)} { set vc vc } else { set vc "" } # The following are relative to TCL_EXEC_PREFIX, thus $root # in our "standard" Tcl/Tk install on Windows. $this SetValue TCL_VC_LIB_SPEC [file join $root lib \ tcl$tlma$tlmi$vc.lib] $this SetValue TK_VC_LIB_SPEC [file join $root lib \ tk$tkma$tkmi$vc.lib] # Add other *_LIB_SPEC (f.e. Borland, Watcom, ...) on request. # Compiler-specific configurations (f.e. TCL_LIBS) must be # completed in the config/cache/*.tcl file. } private method RecordTclTkConfiguration {} { # Record values for a set of features which describe the # Tcl/Tk configuration. # global env tcl_platform # If there's a Windows registry available to us, and it contains # an entry holding the Tcl/Tk installation root, use it. if {[string match windows $tcl_platform(platform)] && (![info exists env(OSTYPE)] || ![string match cygwin* $env(OSTYPE)]) && (![info exists env(TERM)] || ![string match cygwin $env(TERM)]) && ![catch {package require registry}]} { # Registry available set pfx [join {HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE} \\] if {![catch {registry get [join [list $pfx Scriptics Tcl \ [package provide Tcl]] \\] Root} result] || ![catch {registry get [join [list $pfx Scriptics Tcl \ [package provide Tcl]] \\] {}} result] || ![catch {registry get [join [list $pfx Sun Tcl \ [package provide Tcl]] \\] Root} result]} { # Since registry entry is set, assume the standard Tcl/Tk # installation on Windows established by the installer # program from Sun/Scriptics or a clone. $this RecordStandardWindowsTclTkConfiguration $result return } elseif {![info exists env(OOMMF_TCL_CONFIG)] && ![info exists env(OOMMF_TK_CONFIG)]} { # We have a working registry package, so we're on Windows, # and the user isn't telling us to look elsewhere with # environment variables, but there's no entry in the # registry pointing to the Tcl/Tk root, so assume it's a # proper installation relative to [info library] set result [file dirname [file dirname [Oc_DirectPathname \ [info library]]]] $this RecordStandardWindowsTclTkConfiguration $result return } } # No registry information. Look for tclConfig.sh. if {[info exists env(OOMMF_TCL_CONFIG)]} { # Either the user or a parent app is trying to tell us # what tclConfig.sh file to use. if {![string match absolute \ [file pathtype $env(OOMMF_TCL_CONFIG)]]} { set msg "Error in environment variable:\nOOMMF_TCL_CONFIG =\ $env(OOMMF_TCL_CONFIG)\nMust be absolute pathname" error $msg $msg } if {![file readable $env(OOMMF_TCL_CONFIG)]} { set msg "Error in environment variable:\nOOMMF_TCL_CONFIG =\ $env(OOMMF_TCL_CONFIG)\nFile not readable" error $msg $msg } } else { catch {set env(OOMMF_TCL_CONFIG) [Oc_DirectPathname \ [$this FindTclConfig]]} msg } if {[info exists env(OOMMF_TCL_CONFIG)]} { $this LoadConfigFile $env(OOMMF_TCL_CONFIG) # Warn if we got a config file for a different Tcl release if {[catch {$this GetValue TCL_PATCH_LEVEL} pl] || [string match {} $pl]} { # No TCL_PATCH_LEVEL definition -- check TCL_VERSION only if {![string match [package provide Tcl] \ [$this GetValue TCL_VERSION]]} { global errorInfo set errorInfo [Oc_StackTrace] Oc_Log Log "Tcl version\ mismatch:\n\t$env(OOMMF_TCL_CONFIG) from\ [$this GetValue TCL_VERSION]\n\tRunning Tcl\ [package provide Tcl]" warning $class } } else { # TCL_PATCH_LEVEL defined -- check it if {![string match [info patchlevel] \ [$this GetValue TCL_VERSION]$pl]} { global errorInfo set errorInfo [Oc_StackTrace] Oc_Log Log "Tcl version\ mismatch:\n\t$env(OOMMF_TCL_CONFIG) from\ [$this GetValue TCL_VERSION]$pl\n\tRunning Tcl\ [info patchlevel]" warning $class } } } if {[info exists env(OOMMF_TCL_INCLUDE_DIR)]} { if {![file readable \ [file join $env(OOMMF_TCL_INCLUDE_DIR) tcl.h]]} { set msg "Error in environment\ variable:\nOOMMF_TCL_INCLUDE_DIR =\ $env(OOMMF_TCL_INCLUDE_DIR)\ntcl.h\ not found there, or not readable" error $msg $msg } } else { set search [list] if {![catch {$this GetValue TCL_INC_DIR} incdir]} { lappend search $incdir } if {![catch {$this GetValue TCL_PREFIX} tp]} { lappend search [file join $tp include] lappend search \ [file join $tp include tcl[$this GetValue TCL_VERSION]] } foreach dir $search { if {[file readable [file join $dir tcl.h]]} { set env(OOMMF_TCL_INCLUDE_DIR) $dir break } } } # ...and look for tkConfig.sh if {[info exists env(OOMMF_TK_CONFIG)]} { # Either the user or a parent app is trying to tell us # what tkConfig.sh file to use. if {![string match absolute \ [file pathtype $env(OOMMF_TK_CONFIG)]]} { set msg "Error in environment variable:\nOOMMF_TK_CONFIG =\ $env(OOMMF_TK_CONFIG)\nMust be absolute pathname" error $msg $msg } if {![file readable $env(OOMMF_TK_CONFIG)]} { set msg "Error in environment variable:\nOOMMF_TK_CONFIG =\ $env(OOMMF_TK_CONFIG)\nFile not readable" error $msg $msg } } else { catch {set env(OOMMF_TK_CONFIG) [Oc_DirectPathname \ [$this FindTkConfig]]} } if {[info exists env(OOMMF_TK_CONFIG)]} { $this LoadConfigFile $env(OOMMF_TK_CONFIG) # Warn if we got a config file for a different Tk release if {[string length [package provide Tk]] && ![catch {$this GetValue TK_PATCH_LEVEL} pl] && ![string match {} $pl]} { # Check that patch levels match global tk_patchLevel if {![string match $tk_patchLevel \ [$this GetValue TK_VERSION]$pl]} { global errorInfo set errorInfo [Oc_StackTrace] Oc_Log Log "Tk version\ mismatch:\n\t$env(OOMMF_TK_CONFIG) from\ [$this GetValue TK_VERSION]$pl\n\tRunning Tk\ $tk_patchLevel" warning $class } } else { if {![string match [$class TkVersion] \ [$this GetValue TK_VERSION]]} { global errorInfo set errorInfo [Oc_StackTrace] Oc_Log Log "Tk version\ mismatch:\n\t$env(OOMMF_TK_CONFIG) from\ [$this GetValue TK_VERSION]\n\tRunning Tk\ [$class TkVersion]" warning $class } } } if {[info exists env(OOMMF_TK_INCLUDE_DIR)]} { if {![file readable \ [file join $env(OOMMF_TK_INCLUDE_DIR) tk.h]]} { set msg "Error in environment\ variable:\nOOMMF_TK_INCLUDE_DIR =\ $env(OOMMF_TK_INCLUDE_DIR)\ntk.h\ not found there, or not readable" error $msg $msg } } else { set search [list] if {![catch {$this GetValue TK_INC_DIR} incdir]} { lappend search $incdir } if {![catch {$this GetValue TK_PREFIX} tp]} { lappend search [file join $tp include] lappend search \ [file join $tp include tk[$this GetValue TK_VERSION]] } foreach dir $search { if {[file readable [file join $dir tk.h]]} { set env(OOMMF_TK_INCLUDE_DIR) $dir break } } } if {[string match windows $tcl_platform(platform)] && (![info exists env(OSTYPE)] || ![string match cygwin* $env(OSTYPE)]) && (![info exists env(TERM)] || ![string match cygwin $env(TERM)])} { set root [$this GetValue TCL_PREFIX] set tlma [$this GetValue TCL_MAJOR_VERSION] set tlmi [$this GetValue TCL_MINOR_VERSION] set tkma [$this GetValue TK_MAJOR_VERSION] set tkmi [$this GetValue TK_MINOR_VERSION] if {[regexp {^8\.0([.p]([0-9]+))?$} [info patchlevel] m mm patch] && ($patch < 4)} { set vc vc } else { set vc "" } $this SetValue TCL_VC_LIB_SPEC [file join $root lib \ tcl$tlma$tlmi$vc.lib] $this SetValue TK_VC_LIB_SPEC [file join $root lib \ tk$tkma$tkmi$vc.lib] } } private method FindTclConfig {} { # If tcl_pkgPath isn't broken :( ... global tcl_pkgPath if {[info exists tcl_pkgPath]} { foreach libdir $tcl_pkgPath { if {[file readable [file join $libdir tclConfig.sh]]} { return [file join $libdir tclConfig.sh] } } } # Some systems (notably Debian) modify Tcl installations to # store tclConfig.sh in [info library], apparently so as to # avoid conflict between multiple Tcl versions. if {[file readable [file join [info library] tclConfig.sh]]} { return [file join [info library] tclConfig.sh] } set exec [file tail [info nameofexecutable]] # If we're running tclsh... if {[regexp -nocase tclsh $exec]} { set cf [$this RelToExec [info nameofexecutable] tclConfig.sh] if {[file readable $cf]} { return $cf } } # Not in usual places, go searching for tclsh... set candshells [list] if {[regsub -nocase wish $exec tclsh shell]} { lappend candshells $shell } lappend candshells tclsh[package provide Tcl] lappend candshells tclsh[join [split [package provide Tcl] .] ""] foreach shell $candshells { set shell [auto_execok $shell] if {[llength $shell]} { set cf [$this RelToExec [lindex $shell 0] tclConfig.sh] if {[file readable $cf]} { return $cf } } } return -code error "tclConfig.sh not found" } private method FindTkConfig {} { # If Tk is installed where Tcl can find it... global tcl_pkgPath if {[info exists tcl_pkgPath]} { foreach libdir $tcl_pkgPath { if {[file readable [file join $libdir tkConfig.sh]]} { return [file join $libdir tkConfig.sh] } } } # If Tk is installed where Tcl is... if {![catch {$this GetValue TCL_EXEC_PREFIX} epfx]} { set cf [file join $epfx lib tkConfig.sh] if {[file readable $cf]} { return $cf } } # Some systems (notably Debian) modify Tk installations to # store tkConfig.sh in $::tk_library, apparently so as to # avoid conflict between multiple Tk versions. global tk_library if {[info exists tk_library] && [file readable [file join $tk_library tkConfig.sh]]} { return [file join $tk_library tkConfig.sh] } else { # Without Tk, ::tk_library does not exist, so make a guess that # Tk and Tcl are installed under the same prefix. if {![catch {$this GetValue TCL_EXEC_PREFIX} epfx]} { set cf [file join $epfx lib tk[$class TkVersion] tkConfig.sh] if {[file readable $cf]} { return $cf } } } set exec [file tail [info nameofexecutable]] # If we're running wish... if {[regexp -nocase wish $exec]} { set cf [$this RelToExec [info nameofexecutable] tkConfig.sh] if {[file readable $cf]} { return $cf } } # Not in usual places, go searching for wish... set candshells [list] if {[regsub -nocase tclsh $exec wish shell]} { lappend candshells $shell } lappend candshells wish[$class TkVersion] lappend candshells wish[join [split [$class TkVersion] .] ""] foreach shell $candshells { set shell [auto_execok $shell] if {[llength $shell]} { set cf [$this RelToExec [lindex $shell 0] tkConfig.sh] if {[file readable $cf]} { return $cf } } } return -code error "tkConfig.sh not found" } private method RelToExec {exe cf} { file join [file dirname [Oc_DirectPathname [file dirname $exe]]] lib $cf } private method LoadConfigFile {fn} { set f [open $fn r] gets $f line while {![eof $f]} { if {[regexp {^([A-Z0-9_]+)='([^']*)'} $line _ feat val] || [regexp "^(\[A-Z0-9_]+)=(\[^ \t\r\n]*)" $line _ feat val]} { # Handle (some) shell variable substitutions regsub -all {\\} $val {\\\\} val regsub -all {\[} $val {\\[} val regsub -all {\${(T(CL|K)_[A-Z_]+)}} $val \ {[$this GetValue "\1"]} val set val [subst -novariables $val] $this SetValue $feat $val } gets $f line } close $f } private method LoadCache {} { set fn [file join $cacheDir [string tolower \ [$this GetValue platform_name]].tcl] if {[file readable $fn]} { if {[catch {uplevel #0 [list source $fn]} msg]} { Oc_Log Log "Error (2) sourcing $fn:\n\t$msg" warning $class } } set fn [file join $cacheDir local [string tolower \ [$this GetValue platform_name]].tcl] if {[file readable $fn]} { if {[catch {uplevel #0 [list source $fn]} msg]} { Oc_Log Log "Error (3) sourcing $fn:\n\t$msg" warning $class } } } }