The dielectric response function describes the linear behavior
of semiconductors to electric fields that vary with time and space..
The dielectric response function is essential to understanding the
wide range of many-body properties of semiconductors, especially for the case of semiconductors that contain combinations of n-type
and p-type dopants. As shown below, calculations and interpretations
of Raman spectral lines shapes involve the complex dielectric response function that depends on the frequency and wavelength
of electric fields. Raman spectra have a number of features that are consequences of the semiconductor band structure and many-body
effects. Developing a theory that contains these features in Raman
spectra requires accurate calculations of the dielectric response
function with many-body effects.
This figure summarizes the computed theoretical calculations of
the real part of the complex electric susceptibility for j-type GaAs
with a dopant density of 10e18 cm-3 and at a temperature of 300K. |