Neighborhood Filters


    This filter is commonly used for noise reduction. The value of each output pixel is the statistical mean of the neighborhood of that pixel.
    Usage: itk-MeanImage inputImageFile outputImageFile dimension


    This is a noise reduction filter, particulary robust to the presence of gray-level outliers. The value of each output pixel is the statistical median of the neighborhood of values around the corresponding input pixel. Usage: itk-MeanImage inputImageFile outputImageFile dimension

    Below are pictures of the original image, and the image filtered with the itk-MeanImage, and then the image filtered with the itk-MedianImage.

original data original data original data


    ITK implements several mathematical morphology filters, that operate either on binary images or grayscale images. Usage: itk-BinaryDilateImage inputImageFile outputImageFile dimension

    The images below show the original and the filtered pictures:

original data original data


    Usage: itk-BinaryErodeImage inputImageFile outputImageFile dimension

    The images below show the original and the filtered pictures:

original data original data


    Usage: itk-GrayscaleErodeImage inputImageFile outputImageFile dimension

    The images below show the original and the filtered pictures:

original data original data


    Usage: itk-GrayscaleDilateImage inputImageFile outputImageFile dimension

    The images below show the original and the filtered pictures:

original data original data

Last updated November 18, 2005