ITK allows you to process images in a number of number of different ways, through the use of its filtering objects.
A basic introduction to ITK filters is given in chapter 6 of the: ITK Software Guide
ITK programs using these filters are described below, and available for use on IRIX systems. There are several basic types of filters. Each filter can be used on both 2-d and 3-d image files:
These filters can be used on a number of different image files types. Refer to the ITK web page on file formats. The 3D filters cannot write out filtered files in the TIFF file format. We suggest using the MetaImage file format. |
We are also making available a VTK program (Kitware's Visualization Toolkit Software) for creating isosurfaces from image files, as a way to visualize the filtered images (source code: hev-vtkContour.cxx (5.06kb)). |
For information about this application, contact
Adele Peskin