Shell Scripts to Use with Callable IDL
In order to set the proper environments, etc. to use callable IDL before actually compiling and running, you need to tell the computer the following:
setenv IDL_DIR /itl/apps/idl-5.1/idl_5.1
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /itl/apps/idl-5.1/idl_5.1/bin/bin.sgi
setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE /itl/apps/licenses/license.dat/idl
source $IDL_DIR/bin/idl_setup
IDL's Tech Support recommends placing these lines in a file called ".idlrc" and keeping the file in your directory with the Fortran, C wrapper, and IDL plotting program.  Be sure the file has executable permission.  Before compiling and running, type on the UNIX command line:
source .idlrc

Next, you would compile your program using a Makefile.  Finally, to run you would type the name of the MODULE in the Makefile on the UNIX command line.

Alternatively, you can roll the whole process into one shell script.  You will still need the .idlrc file and Makefile in your directory.  But you will create the following script as well:
#!/bin/csh -f
source .idlrc
For this example, I named the shell script "doalign."  By typing
on the UNIX command line, the environment is set up properly and then the program is compiled and run.