PRO plotber         ; The name of this procedure is plotber
XT = DblArr(2000)   ; XT is an array containing 2000 elements of type Double
YT = DblArr(2000)
WORK = 5000
XMIN = -1.0         ; Each of these variables are floats (aka reals) except for
XMAX = 2.0
YMIN = -1.0
YMAX = 2.0
M = 40              ; Integers M and N
N = 20
ZSCALE = 0.50

OpenR, lun, 'NPOINT', /Get_Lun   ; The file NPOINT is opened.  Instead of you selecting
                                 ; a logical unit number, one is selected automatically
Point_Lun, lun, 0                ; The pointer is set to the beginning of the file
ReadF, lun, npt                  ; The opened file is read, and the contents assigned
                                 ; to the variable 'npt'
npoint = FIX(npt)                ; 'npt' came in as a float, so this coverts it to an
                                 ; integer
Free_Lun, lun                    ; The logical unit number selected for this file is
                                 ; freed, thus also closing the file

; The file to be opened, TRAJ, contains 2 columns of data.  Here, the data is read into a 2 dimensional
; array one dimension for each column of data.  The other dimension is the number of rows of data which
; conveniently came from the file NPOINT and was read as the integer npoint.  This is the most efficient way
; of transferring the data (according to Research Systems, Inc.)
; The array is of type Double because of the precision of the numbers in the data file requires more than a Float.

OpenR, lun, 'TRAJ', /Get_Lun
Point_Lun, lun, 0
array = DblArr(2, npoint)   ; Creates array that will be filled with 2 columns of data and npoints rows
ReadF, lun, array     ; Read the contents of the files and place the contents into the array just created
XT = array(0,*) ; Create the 1D array XT which contains the values from the 1st (0) dimension of "array"
YT = array(1,*) ; Create the 1D array YT which contains the values from the 2nd (1) dimension of "array"
Free_Lun, lun   ; The asterisk in the 2 lines above means 'go from 0th element to nth element

XT = Reform(XY) ; "Reform" changes the array from * columns to * rows--unnecesary here, but critical
YT = Reform(YT) ; in other examples

Set_PLOT, 'PS'      ; PostScript is selected
DEVICE, FILENAME = '', /LANDSCAPE ; The Postscript filename is selected.
                                            ; The file name must have the suffix
DEVICE, /INCHES, XSIZE = 6, YSIZE = 6, $   ; This sets the size of the graph that is
                                            ; printed in the PostScript file.  The
                                                                                                   ; default for PS files is centimeters.
                                            ; For graphs plotted to the monitor,
                                            ; the x and y sizes are given in pixels.
   XOFFSET = 1, YOFFSET = 1  ;  Without listing an offset for the graph, it's location will
                             ;  be somewhat arbitrary and possibly with the top cut off.
                             ;  Specifying an X and Y offset will position the graph
                             ;  relative to the lower left corner (in this case 1" in and 1"
                             ;  up.
; Use the links on the first page to understand this syntax.  Alternatively, use the comments in the "align" example.
Plot, XT, YT, XTITLE = '!BX', YTITLE = '!BY', $
      XSTYLE = 1, XRANGE = [XMIN,XMAX], $
      YSTYLE = 1, YRANGE = [YMIN,YMAX], $
      XTICKS = 6, XMINOR = 5, $
      YTICKS = 6, YMINOR = 5
XYOUTS, -.3, 1.5, 'PYIN=-0.30'

DEVICE, /Close_File       ; The PostScript device must be closed before the file can be printed
Spawn, 'lpr'   ; The printer is sent the command to print the file.  This will probably print
                          ; on the system printer for the machine you're logged into, rather than the
                          ; terminal at which you're sitting (unless they are the same)
