How to Make Axis Titles Larger than Axis Values

Here is an example provided by IDL Tech Support that plots axis titles with characters that are larger than the characters forming the axis values.

pro ex_PLOT_w_titles

; Creating data.
x = FINDGEN(361)
y = SIN(!DTOR*x)

; Setting PLOT position and offsets.
; Set variables to percentages
xll_pos = 0.2   ;x11_pos is the position of x at the lower left (in %)
yll_pos = 0.2   ;y11_pos is the position of y at the lower left (in %)
xur_pos = 0.9   ;xur_pos is the position of x at the upper right (in %)
yur_pos = 0.9   ;yur_pos is the position of y at the upper right (in %)

; Apply the variables to a plot position, later used when the POSITION keyword
; is used
plot_pos = [xll_pos, yll_pos, xur_pos, yur_pos]

; These two positions are used for locating the strings used for axis titles
xmed_pos = (xur_pos + xll_pos)/2.
ymed_pos = (yur_pos + yll_pos)/2.

; These offsets just help get everything aligned
x_offset = 0.1
y_offset = 0.025

; PLOTting data.   (See position.htm)
PLOT, x, y, POSITION = plot_pos

; Using XYOUTS to place titles on the PLOT.
XYOUTS, xmed_pos, yur_pos + y_offset, 'Sine Wave', $
XYOUTS, xmed_pos, yll_pos - (5*y_offset), $
   'Angle (Degrees)', CHARSIZE = 2.0, $
XYOUTS, xll_pos - x_offset, ymed_pos, $
   'Amplitude (Inches)', CHARSIZE = 2.0, $


Here are come comments that might explain the above code a little more clearly:

In the above section of code I am making a vector (plot_pos) to equate
to POSITION keyword used with the PLOT procedure.  I could have written
this vector as follows

plot_pos = [0.2, 0.2, 0.9, 0.9]
Moreover, I could directly set the POSITION keyword to this vector as
PLOT, x, y, POSITION = [0.2, 0.2, 0.9, 0.9]