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Class jnt.util.Constants


public class Constants
extends Object
Mathematical constants and constants related to the arithmetic environment.

This class holds a variety of constants useful in mathematical software. These constants are available as final class variables. The class need not be instantiated in order to reference these variables.

25 Sept 1997
Ronald F. Boisvert, NIST

Variable Index

 o e
The mathematical constant e.
 o LargestMagnitude
The largest positive floating point number.
 o LargestRelativeSpacing
The largest relative spacing between floating point numbers on (0,1).
 o machineEpsilon
The largest x such that x == x+1 to machine precision.
 o pi
The mathematical constant pi.
 o SmallestPositiveMagnitude
The smallest positive floating point number.
 o SmallestRelativeSpacing
The smallest relative spacing between floating point numbers on (0,1).
 o sqrt2
The mathematical constant the square root of 2.

Constructor Index

 o Constants()


 o pi
 public static final double pi
The mathematical constant pi.

 o e
 public static final double e
The mathematical constant e.

 o sqrt2
 public static final double sqrt2
The mathematical constant the square root of 2.

 o SmallestPositiveMagnitude
 public static final double SmallestPositiveMagnitude
The smallest positive floating point number.

 o LargestMagnitude
 public static final double LargestMagnitude
The largest positive floating point number.

 o SmallestRelativeSpacing
 public static final double SmallestRelativeSpacing
The smallest relative spacing between floating point numbers on (0,1).

 o LargestRelativeSpacing
 public static final double LargestRelativeSpacing
The largest relative spacing between floating point numbers on (0,1).

 o machineEpsilon
 public static final double machineEpsilon
The largest x such that x == x+1 to machine precision. Same as LargestRelativeSpacing.


 o Constants
 public Constants()

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