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HILBERT: The Hilbert matrix -- a classic ill-conditioned matrix

from the MMDELI

Matrix Generator HILBERT
Source: David Hilbert (?)
Discipline: numerical linear algebra
Language: Java applet
Output format: Matrix Market format

This is a Java applet which generates the N-by-N Hilbert matrix with elements A(i,j) = 1/(i+j-1), a famous example of a badly conditioned matrix. Its condition number grows like exp(3.5*N). It is symmetric positive definite and totally positive.

The inverse matrix is known and has integer entries. The applet will compute the inverse on demand.

This generator was developed by Bruce Miller of NIST based on Nick Higham's Test Matrix Toolbox for MATLAB.


Norder of the matrix
INVERSEswitch to compute inverse matrix


The Matrix Market is a service of the Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division / Information Technology Laboratory / National Institute of Standards and Technology.

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