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PSMIGR: Inter-county migration

from the Harwell-Boeing Collection

Source: Paul Slater, University of California at Santa Barbara
Discipline: Demography
Accession: November 1983

Three matrices obtained from records containing counts of persons by sex and age who migrated across counties in the USA between 1965 and 1970. The 1970 15\% sample data were used to tabulate the data. The first matrix gives the migration flow between counties in 1965 and 1970, so that entry (i,j) represents the migration from county j in 1965 to county i in 1970. For the second matrix, intra-county flows have been omitted (so that the diagonal is zero) and the matrix is in doubly-standardized (or doubly-stochastic) form. The third matrix is for doubly-standardized non-null diagonal flows.

Matrices in this set:

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