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BCSSTRUC1: BCS Structural Engineering Matrices (eigenvalue matrices)

from the Harwell-Boeing Collection

Source: John Lewis, Boeing Computer Services, Seattle, Washington, USA
Discipline: Dynamic analyses in structural engineering
Accession: Summer 1982

These matrices all represent dynamic analyses in structural engineering. They have been extracted from various structural engineering packages such as GT-STRUDL, MSC/NASTRAN, and BCS ATLAS. All of these matrices come in pairs. The first matrix, K, is the stiffness matrix while the second, M, is the mass matrix for the dynamic modeling of structures. Structural engineering requires the computations of a few modes, usually the lowest, of the generalized eigenvalue problem. Most of the matrices were extracted in the years 1980 to 1982.

Some of the collected problems demonstrate the effect of standard structural engineering techniques such as static condensation and lumped mass formulations.

Matrices in this set:

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